SEI Slack integration
Slack offers many IRC-style features, including persistent chat rooms organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging.
Use the SEI Slack integration to integrate SEI with Slack.
SEI uses OAuth to connect to Slack.
You can either use the built-in Slack integration, or create your own Slack app.
- Slack integration
- Slack app
- In your Harness project, go to the SEI module, and select Account.
- Select Integrations under Data Settings.
- Select Available Integrations, locate the Slack integration, and select Install.
- Configure the integration. You must use OAuth authentication.
Create a Slack app.
Under Interactivity & Shortcuts:
- Interactivity: Enabled
- Request URL:
Under Event Subscriptions:
- Enable Events: Enabled
- Request URL:
Under Subscribe to bot events, add the following:
Under OAuth Permissions, configure the following:
Field | Description |
app_mentions:read | View messages that directly mention app in conversations that the app is in. |
channels:history | View messages and other content in public channels that app has been added to. |
channels:history | View messages and other content in public channels that app has been added to. |
groups:history | View messages and other content in private channels that app has been added to. |
im:history | View messages and other content in direct messages that app has been added to. |
mpim:history | View messages and other content in group direct messages that app has been added to. |
channels:join | Join public channels in a workspace. |
chat:write | Send messages as app |
chat:write.customize | Customize bot name when sending message |
commands | Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use. |
files:write | Upload, edit, and delete files as app. |
im:write | Start direct messages with people. |
users:read | View people in a workspace. | | View email addresses of people in a workspace. |